Europe’s grid technology providers highlight the essential role of the transmission and distribution sector
Europe’s grid technology providers highlight the essential role of the transmission and distribution sector
The COVID-19 outbreak represents an unprecedented situation for Europe’s citizens, society and economy. T&D Europe, the voice of Europe’s grid technology providers, welcomes the macro-economic and political measures that Member States and the EU have already agreed to help tackle the pandemic.
T&D Europe members provide equipment and services to the operators of Europe’s critical electricity infrastructure. In the current situation the T&D industry is already mobilised to ensure the production and continued delivery of critical goods and essential services to European transmission and distribution operators. A number of EU Member States have taken measures to halt industrial production in their country as a means to contain the spread of the virus.
We welcome the decision by a number of Governments to identify the manufacturing of transmission and distribution equipment for electricity as an essential service. We also support the Commission Guidelines concerning cross-border workers in essential sectors, which identifies workers in the T&D community as providing essential services.