To unlock multi-vendor HVDC grids and foster the transition of the European energy sector at large scale, InterOPERA, supported by Horizon Europe, proposes a coordinated approach between a diverse, high-level group of industries at the forefront of RES development and grid management. Including T&D Europe, 4 HVDC vendors, 8 TSO’s, 2 wind turbine vendors and 3 wind park developers bring their industrial knowledge and practical abilities to make future HVDC systems mutually compatible and interoperable by design, and to improve the grid forming capabilities of offshore and onshore converters.
More information about the project here.

The READY4DC Project, supported by Horizon Europe, will create and engage a community of experts that will assess and give recommendations on the major technical and legal aspects of designing and building an interoperable multi-vendor DC grid. One major objective will be to prepare the ground for the development of the first multi-terminal, multi-vendor HVDC project in Europe. Alongside fellow project partners, T&D Europe will take an active role in working groups and developing white papers. The results of our work will set the stepping stone towards a futuristic grid infrastructure with DC grids playing a central role at every voltage level.
More information about the project here.

e-Highway 2050
The e-Highway2050 project has developed a methodology to support the planning of the Pan-European Transmission Network, that will ensure a steadfast delivery of renewable electricity and pan-European market integration. The project has brought about a modular development plan for possible electricity highways and present options for a comprehensive pan-European grid architecture, based on various future power system scenarios.
More information about this project is available here and you can watch a video outlining the e-Highway research projects results.

PROMOTioN Project
The PROMOTioN project, funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme was launched in January 2016. The projects objective is to analyse the positive effects of a joint offshore electricity infrastructure based on a meshed HVDC (high-voltage direct current) grid technology. T&D Europe is a partner of the project consortium and facilitating the discussion among companies. Three key technologies will be developed: diode rectifier offshore converters, multi-vendor HVDC grid protection system, and the full power testing of HVDC circuit breakers. Furthermore, a regulatory and financial framework will be developed for coordinated planning, construction and operation of integrated offshore infrastructures, including an offshore grid deployment roadmap for a future offshore system in Europe.
More information about the project here.