Towards Future-Proof Grids: Policy recommendations for Europe’s policymakers 

Towards Future-Proof Grids: Policy recommendations for Europe’s policymakers 

In November, the European Commission released its communication ”Grids, the missing link – An EU Action Plan for Grids” which brings grids front and centre of the EU agenda. 

 T&D Europe and its members are committed to support the implementation of the Action Plan. In particular, we will continue working closely together with the Commission, TSOs and DSOs to promote uptake of smart grid, network efficiency, and innovative technologies and to facilitate investments in manufacturing capacity and secure supply chains.

In our manifesto, we share our commitment to support the implementation of the Action Plan and while recognising that this is an important milestone, we share recommendations and ask for policymakers to take on board some additional elements to address the needs for the grid technology industry. 
