T&D Europe provided inputs to the ENTSO-E public consultation on their Annual Work Programme 2023.
T&D Europe welcomes the wider stakeholder engagement for improving the 2023 annual work programme, and in particular we welcome the work developed to draft the Ten-Year Network Development Plans (TYNDPs) 2024 scenarios. In our response, we have highlighted the need to integrate in these TYNDPs forecasting on the future quantitative needs to enable these scenarios, including on what and how many products and services will be needed for the clean energy transition. Future-proofing and long-term planning for the grids will be fundamental to manage expectations and succeed with moving towards renewable energy & ensuring security of supply.
In addition, T&D Europe is also urging ENTSO-E to prioritise developing a common vision with DSOs on operating a distribution-based system. This common vision should be included as part of the TSO-DSO cooperation action, considering the urgency of rolling-out the needed technologies in due time.
We look forward to the feedback response ENTSO-E will provide regarding our inputs to the work programme, and we are ready to engage in a constructive dialogue on the areas mentioned.
The T&D Europe consultation response will be made public soon.
Find the ENTSO-E public consultation here and their Annual Work Programme for 2023 here.