T&D Europe welcomes the publishing of the ENTSO-E Offshore Network Development Plans (ONDPs), which collect the EU Member States’ offshore goals, signalling and informing the future transmission equipment needs, detailing how much and what types of offshore infrastructure and grid capacity will be needed in the coming three decades. “The long-term grid planning for offshore transmission will provide a better base for industrial planning and building solid business cases to add capacity, organise supply chains and recruit the necessary skills to make the future expansion projects reality” says Jochen Kreusel, President of T&D Europe.
The transmission and distribution equipment and services providers will strengthen the close collaboration and coordination with the EU’s TSOs, wind developers, turbine manufacturers and all other stakeholders on the growth of the offshore wind electricity generation and on the acceleration their deployment and transmission between countries. We will continue working on the financial, investment, technical and regulatory aspects in the context of the European Commission’s EU Grid Action Plan actions on the modernisations of Europe’s grid and the EU Offshore Renewable Energy Strategy.
The ONDPs, together with the overall ENTSO-E TYNPDs (Ten Year Network Development Plans), the National Grid Development Plans, the National Energy and Climate Plans and the proposed action plans of the Commission are all important building blocks of ensuring that the whole value chain will be able to deliver on achieving the EU’s climate and decarbonisation goals. The work on defining concrete infrastructure projects to connect offshore generation is up and coming.